NICOGRAPH International 2012
Bali, Indonesia, 2-3 July, 2012
The Society for Art and Science (
will hold the 11th annual international conference “NICOGRAPH
International 2012” in Bali, Indonesia, in cooperation with Universitas
Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia.
Our NICOGRAPH has quarter-century history. Its foundation can be traced
back to 1985. The time-honored annual conferences have been organized
by the Society for Art and Science since 2000, which aim not only to
technical or artistic topics in computer graphics and related fields but
also to interactive and/or media art and so on. In 2002 the first
international conference NICOGRAPH International 2002 was derived from
the domestic series, and the international ones have been organized
In addition to purpose of the domestic NICOGRAPH
conferences, the international series mainly focuses to give good
chances for young researchers and students to have English presentation
and discussions with international young colleagues. The organizing
committee and supporting members hope leaders of the next generation
will rise in the academic, artistic and/or industrial field through this
Topics and keyword of the conference include the
followings, but not limited to: Computer Graphics, Arts content,
Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Interactive Arts, Video game, Design
contents, Web design, Movie production, etc.
As you know, Bali
is an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser
Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It
is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned
for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance,
sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. This exciting
place must inspire us in the field of art and science.
Detailed information and author’s schedule will be open soon. Please check the website ( ) or Facebook ( d.Sci ).
We look forward to seeing you in Bali in next early summer.
** Submission Categories
- Full paper: to be accepted with as few as 4 pages
and as many as 12 pages.
- Short paper: max length 4 pages
- Poster: max length 2 pages
All of the above are included in the proceedings CD.
Accepted full papers are invited to The Journal of the Society for Art and Science with a quick review.
** Timeline
- March 10: deadline of proposal of special sessions and tutorials
- Papers: March 20: deadline of paper submission
April 1: deadline of short paper submission
April 30: Notification of acceptance for papers/short papers
- Poster: May 15: deadline of poster submission
- May 20: deadline of camera ready manuscript
(papers/short papers/posters/invited papers in special sessions/tutorials)
- July 2-3: NICOGRAPH International 2012
** Conference Venue
Hotel Santika Premiere Beach Resort Bali, Indonesia ( ex.php)
Sponsored by the Institute for Art and Science Co-Sponsored by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
In cooperation with: TBD
** Organization
- Honorary Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Mitsunori Makino, Chuo University, JAPAN
- General Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Kazunori Miyata, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN
- General Vice Chairs: according to need
- Technical Program Co-Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Takayuki Itoh, Ochanomizu University, JAPAN
- Finance Co-Chairs: each from Indonesia and Japan
- Publicity Chair: TBD
- Publication Chair: TBD
- Local Arrangement Chair: one from Indonesia
Bali, Indonesia, 2-3 July, 2012
The Society for Art and Science ( will hold the 11th annual international conference “NICOGRAPH International 2012” in Bali, Indonesia, in cooperation with Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia.
Our NICOGRAPH has quarter-century history. Its foundation can be traced back to 1985. The time-honored annual conferences have been organized by the Society for Art and Science since 2000, which aim not only to technical or artistic topics in computer graphics and related fields but also to interactive and/or media art and so on. In 2002 the first international conference NICOGRAPH International 2002 was derived from the domestic series, and the international ones have been organized annually.
In addition to purpose of the domestic NICOGRAPH conferences, the international series mainly focuses to give good chances for young researchers and students to have English presentation and discussions with international young colleagues. The organizing committee and supporting members hope leaders of the next generation will rise in the academic, artistic and/or industrial field through this opportunity.
Topics and keyword of the conference include the followings, but not limited to: Computer Graphics, Arts content, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Interactive Arts, Video game, Design contents, Web design, Movie production, etc.
As you know, Bali is an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. This exciting place must inspire us in the field of art and science.
Detailed information and author’s schedule will be open soon. Please check the website ( ) or Facebook (
We look forward to seeing you in Bali in next early summer.
** Submission Categories
- Full paper: to be accepted with as few as 4 pages
and as many as 12 pages.
- Short paper: max length 4 pages
- Poster: max length 2 pages
All of the above are included in the proceedings CD.
Accepted full papers are invited to The Journal of the Society for Art and Science with a quick review.
** Timeline
- March 10: deadline of proposal of special sessions and tutorials
- Papers: March 20: deadline of paper submission
April 1: deadline of short paper submission
April 30: Notification of acceptance for papers/short papers
- Poster: May 15: deadline of poster submission
- May 20: deadline of camera ready manuscript
(papers/short papers/posters/invited papers in special sessions/tutorials)
- July 2-3: NICOGRAPH International 2012
** Conference Venue
Hotel Santika Premiere Beach Resort Bali, Indonesia (
Sponsored by the Institute for Art and Science Co-Sponsored by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
In cooperation with: TBD
** Organization
- Honorary Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Mitsunori Makino, Chuo University, JAPAN
- General Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Kazunori Miyata, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN
- General Vice Chairs: according to need
- Technical Program Co-Chairs:
(From Indonesia)
Takayuki Itoh, Ochanomizu University, JAPAN
- Finance Co-Chairs: each from Indonesia and Japan
- Publicity Chair: TBD
- Publication Chair: TBD
- Local Arrangement Chair: one from Indonesia